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The Law of Life – Book & Workbook Combo

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00.

3 AM Network, based in Spokane, WA, has just released a new media series focusing on how to biblically improve your physical health, mental health, and overall life. The series, “The Law of Life Media Edition: Healing from Damaged Relationships, Depression, and Disease” is based on a 278-page book written by Mark Sandoval, MD, founder and president of New Paradigm Ministries. The media series includes more than 16 hours of in-depth instructional videos, in addition to the book.

“We know that those that take part in this series will be truly blessed by Dr. Sandoval’s message.” Sandoval is board-certified in emergency medicine and lifestyle medicine. He has served as the founder and chairman of H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book, president and medical director of Uchee Pines Institute, and health ministries director of the Gulf States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. His “Law of Life” series is a dynamic combination of print and visual media intended for small group study, book clubs, or health ministries that want to gain perspective on the inner workings of the mind from a biblical standpoint. “Disease? Depression? Damaged relationships? This book is for you!” said reader Dee Dee. “A friend of mine spoke about some of the contents of this book, which sparked my interest, but it is far better than I was told. The examples, rationales, correlations, etc. are simple yet so profound! Dr. Mark Sandoval goes deep into cause and effect, choices, and change. This is a must-read book. I have difficulty putting it down! I will read it again, and have been encouraging others to read it as well.”

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Welcome to the Law of Life course, where you will learn about the fundamental principle that leads to freedom—freedom from disease, depression, and damaged relationships. Each of us longs for freedom from the problems that plague us. We hate being captive to the problems around us and within us. But we have a life experience that tells us that we might as well just give up because such freedom is only a dream. It isn’t just a dream. It can be your reality.

Robert used the principles outlined in this course and applied them in his own life and relationships. As a result, he is now free from the autoimmune disease that was threatening to destroy his life. Anna used the principles outlined in this course and applied them to her own life and relationships. Now, she doesn’t feel compelled to control her children or other family members. She has peace with her relationships. She has faced the loss of significant loved ones in her life with only gratitude in her heart. And her lifetime rash has disappeared. Carla used the principles outlined in this course and applied them in her own life and relationships. As a result, she is now free from the depression and guilt she was carrying from her divorce. Freedom is possible. It is ready for you, and this course is here to help you experience that freedom in your own life.

In the Law of Life course, Dr. Sandoval will lead you through the unconscious lies that have held you captive to the truth that will set you free. Through the video presentations, the Law of Life book, and the thought-provoking questions and activities in the Law of Life workbook, your previous assumptions will be challenged, the lies you have unconsciously believed will be exposed, and you will be presented with a new paradigm of thought that presents to you new realities you didn’t know where possible. You will be surprised at how simple, yet how profound, the Law of Life is. If accepted, it will turn your world upside down—so that you can finally be right side up.

If this is your desire, then join us in the Law of Life course as we walk together to freedom.


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